This is what I offer.


Review text for hidden and/or unconscious biases or stereotypes, and provide explanation and suggested fixes.


Goes beyond the initial read for biases and stereotypes, and will make the editing changes. But of course, whether or not any changes are accepted depends on the writer's decision.


Work with the writer on story or character development focusing on diverse voices, biases, stereotypes and inclusivity.


Review finished manuscript focusing on these story elements; character, plot and structure, pace, tone, dialogue and genre. The report includes a marked manuscript with notes. 


Work with the writer focusing on specific story elements as needed.

These are topics I cover.

  • Violence and surviving violence

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Chronic illness

  • Addiction

  • Poverty

  • Women’s subject matter

  • Families dynamics and children

  • Race

  • Race Relations

  • Indigenous people, history, and culture

  • Black people, history and culture

  • BIPOC subject matter

As a writer myself, I am aware of the vulnerability it takes to put your words, thoughts and opinions on the page. I also commend the effort to be diligent, and respectful. So I am kind and educational in my approach. My goal is for your work to be even stronger.